Hopi Kachinas

Hopi literally translates to “peaceful”. The Hopi people are Native Americans who are indigenous to Northeast Arizona. Hopi Kachinas are dolls made to represent a series of cultural ideals that the Hopi people believe in. Hopi Kachinas also have spiritual significance. While Hopi Kachinas were once given as gifts and used for ceremonial purposes, today…


Kachina Doll

The Hopi Native American tribes who believe that the Kachinas, or spirits, live west and make their way to back to the villages in mid-July to bring gifts, and sing and dance with the Hopi children carve the Kachina Doll. The Hopi also believe that the Kachinas bring rain to help with the harvest. History…


Native American Dolls

Dolls are a common item within many cultures, however, Native American dolls play a particularly important role within the different Native American tribes. These intricately made, hand crafted Native American dolls are a customary component of Native American culture. History of Native American Dolls Traditionally, Native American dolls were made by the women and young…